兒童瑜珈課程 Kids Yoga
* 課程皆為 zoom同步教學 All lessons will take place on Zoom.
* 適合對象:3-12歲 小朋友 Children from 4 - 12 years old are eligible to sign up.
* 歡迎親子一起來上課!。We welcome parents join us together!
* 如果需要請假,可以申請影片回放補課!We will provide course video if your children can't join the lesson.
* 填完表單請聯繫 Mandarin Go 完成匯款. Please contact Mandarin Go and complete the payment.
歡迎加入專屬社團獲取更多學習資源 Join our FB private group for more Mandarin learning resources:
* Registration fee is only paid once on signing up for any courses in the future.
* If you want to trial different courses, please adjust the quantity within the payment link.
* All fees include a 5% handling fee for online payment methods.
* Fee above is for reference only, exchange rates may result in differences.
* More details about Terms and Conditions of payment.
Messenger: http://m.me/MandarinGoUK
Email: info@mandaringo.co.uk
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MandarinGoUK